Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 17 - More Pretty Weather and Flat Ground: Oregon, OH to Tecumseh, MI

Another great day of weather and flat ground. Barney is loving this.

We have both gotten stronger as we are now midway of our third week of riding. Our endurance has really improved. We easily stay in the saddle for a solid hour between breaks and our speed has also improved. Neither of us is sore nor experiencing cramps or any other discomforts. We really like the way we're feeling. Don't think we've lost any weight, but may be toning up a little. We entered the state of Michigan this a.m. Our sixth state (so far!). Couldn't find the state sign for a photo. Sorry.

 Checking out a possible part-time job for Martha.

Taking a break and studying up the maps.

A fifty acre cabbage patch. Evidently no truth to rumor that your momma found you under a cabbage leaf.

A beautiful head.
Barney guarding the cabbage patch.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you're having a wonderful time and that you're feeling good! I think our body increases its oxygen capacity when we put more requirements on it. Your muscles are requiring more O2 on THE BIG RIDE. I think your blood prolly has more red blood cells today than it did 3 weeks ago, and that increases your endurance. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! So glad you're having great weather and enjoying the countryside. I enjoy reading your posts. It's been very hot the 90's but it's cooled off a bit in the last few days. Keep safe and enjoy THE BIG RIDE!
